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HOME COLLEGE College of Nursing

College of Nursing

The Department of Nursing

Nursing is a practical study that focuses on human health and is a combination of science, technology and spirit. Nursing offers assistance in the maintenance and promotion of health and recovery from disease. The Department of Nursing offers professional nursing education for cultivating nurses with the study and character that contribute for human's health.

Career Possibilities with a Major

Various medical centers, schools, healthcare officials(public health centers, Ministry of Health and Welfare affiliates, etc.), National Health Insurance States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Norway, etc.), social welfare or daycare centers, nursing home, pharmaceutical companies, nursing officials, insurance companies, obstetrics nursing, etc.

Department of Elderly Care Management

Korea is one of the fastest aging countries in the world and will be a "graying society" with a 20% senior population by 2026. In order to satisfy the needs of the increasing number of seniors who are in need of long-term care, the Korean Government will implement a long-term care insurance policy in 2007 to provide long-term care facilities with the cost of management and labor. Several demonstration works have already been in effect since June of 2005. In 2011, by which time this policy is expected to settle completely, approximately 180,000 employees will be needed to provide services for chronically-ill elderly populations. Elderly care managers will be in high demand in this field of gerontology and will be in charge of managing long-term facilities and providing services for senior citizens and their families.

Career Possibilities with a Major

Senior Rehabilitation Insurance Corporation, senior rehabilitation centers, certifications in senior welfare facilities: senior rehabilitation managers (pending), social welfare workers, home healthcare providers, senior recreation managers, senior exercise planners, etc.