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HOME ABOUT CUP Student Support Services

Student Support Services

Liberal Arts and Humanities Program

The School of Liberal Arts and Humanities and the Office
of Campus Ministry were established to educate students
in such way that they become leaders with the character
and common sense needed in their social lives.
The courses offered are diverse, from the required
courses such as Christian spirit and life etiquette, to the
elective courses such as human religion, Korean studies,
natural sciences, computers, health, art and foreign languages.

Foreign Language Education

Students are encouraged to take foreign language courses, especially in English, and improve their proficiency skills in order to cope with globalization. The University provides enough opportunities for English conversation. The foreign language exam is graduation requirement according to school regulations.

Public Service Activities Graduation Requirement

Service to society is also an important factor in the number of credit hours needed for graduation. It promotes the spirit service to society based on true love during the regular semesters.

Interchange of Day - Evening Classes

The departments that offer both day and evening classes allow students to interchange classes between these time periods. This is to help students in evening classes work and study with no conflicts.

Double Majors

Double majors are available between the College of Social Science, the College of Applied Science, and the Department of Health Care Management and allows students to obtain two degrees upon graduation. The scope of certification and career possibilities will be expanded(A student in the Department of Environmental Engineering may obtain a degree and pursue career in the Department of Health Care Management or Department of Social Welfare).

Free selection of Majors

The students of a college or department may select any major within the school.

Transfer of Major

Students may transfer their major before the start of their sophomore or junior year(refer to the school regulations of selection criteria).

Medical Bill Discount Benefit

Students receive a 20% discount at medical organizations administered by the Diocese, such as Maryknoll Hospital and Busan St. Mary's Medical Center. A pre-contracted bill discount is also provided in case of using industry-academy cooperation hospitals.

Job Placement

The Career Information Center serves students at the Student Welfare Office. The experienced and professional personnel in the career Information Center help students choose a career path, learn about job markets, prepare for interviews and/or various certifications, and fill out resumes and cover letters. Ultimately, it helps students achieve their goals by providing accurate information.

School Buses to Ulsan

TSchool buses are operated from Ulsan Industrial Tower for students who live in Ulsan to easily commute from home.