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HOME COLLEGE College of Social Sciences

College of Social Sciences

Department of Business Administration

Department of Business Administration trains intellectuals who is creative and ethical, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of companies. The department also runs the course with the aim to educate students to possess entrepreneurship in the global era. Graduates can attain CPA, CTA, CMC, CFA, FRM and DMC, due to the customized courses and other extracurriculum programs.

Career Possibilities with a Major

Graduates find occupations in the division of corporate planning, marketing, human resource management, finance, or accounting in large firms as well as small & medium enterprises. The graduates may get into the financial sector such as banks and insurance companies.

Department of Distribution Management

Department trains professionals and distributors who can contribute to society wit dignity and intellectual skills. The latest management theories including distrubution, information technology and English are provided to educate students in the global society. Especially department trains professionals in distribution and marketing who possess leading initiative, creativity and management talent with a sense of vocation. The graduates can get the certificate of BMC, SA, DMC , RM, SECS, AC and also working as Patent Attorney or Patent Agent.

Career Possibilities with a Major

Graduates are working at retail firms or wholesale firms, internet marketing firms, information system analyst in consulting companies, marketing or survey division in large firms, sales companies, electronic commerce companies, port management companies, trade brokering companies, retail mangers in manufacturing and distributing companies.

Department of Management Information Systems

Department aims to raise managers who have a good command of information technology enough to lead all kinds of modern organizations including firms, government and NGOs efficiently and effectively. It also aims to expand capability on information technology and affiliated management methodology, MIS and running methodology, development of MIS, based on general management knowledges. Available certificates are information processing, ECSS, MOS, CSA, CNE, MCSE, CCE, OCP, CPLA, CMC, stock analyst, total cost manager and CPA.

Career Possibilities with a Major

Graduates are working as information manager, system manger in general companies, financial organization and IT companies.

Department of Social Welfare

Department of Social Welfare aims to train students' capacity as social worker, by providing proper and practical knowledge and skills on the basis of healthy value system.

Career Possibilities with a Major

After graduation, students are acting as social worker, social welfare civil servant, hospital medical social worker, mental health social worker, volunteer manager and management coordinator.

Department of Social Welfare & Counselling

The vision of the department is to train intellectual with knowledge and skill in continuously changed welfare society. Counselling is the basis of social welfare, therefore, educating counsellor with welfare background is the main aim of the department.

Career Possibilities with a Major

Graduates are acting as social worker in local welfare institutions, social welfare civil servants, youth coordinator, NGO activist, occupation counsellor, case manager and counsellors in many fields.